How to Fix “Outlook error 0x8004060c” when send/receive process

Fix “Outlook error 0x8004060c”

Ammy Wilson
2 min readMar 21, 2021

Fix “Outlook error 0x8004060c”

Outlook error 0x8004060c — Organizations and business individuals like to work around MS Outlook as it extensively manages all activities on a single platform. It plays an important role in the day-to-day activities of an organization.

When a user encounters an Outlook error, it can interrupt an organization’s communications and meetings. Any such error needs to be acted upon and rectified as soon as possible. While one error may be more effective than another, the fix for one issue may be very different from another.

Error 0x8004060C outlook is an error that can affect all capabilities of the Outlook application, creating a deadlock in terms of user usage. This error can also result in turning on all emails and other items inaccessible to the user. 0x8004060C can occur in different scenarios, and depending on it, the error message may vary, although the error code remains the same — Outlook error 0x8004060C.

Also Read: Fix Outlook Error 0X800408FC when send/receive Email

Since the errors in these scenarios vary, the reasons for this error will also vary. There may be several possible logical or physical corruption that may be the cause of this error. Some of the most common reasons are:

  1. Exchange server outage
  2. Synchronization problem between MS Outlook and Exchange Server
  3. A corrupt PST or OST file
  4. Virus infection or malware attack
  5. Outlook has reached its maximum defined storage capacity

Of all the reasons listed above, the most common reason is an oversized PST or OST file leading to the maximum defined storage capacity for Outlook. Let us first discuss improvements to reach storage limits.

Ways to Fix “Outlook error 0x8004060c”

1. Empty Items Folder — Manually

As you may have noticed, Outlook did not directly delete the items you selected. However, it moves those items from the Active folder to the Deleted Items folder. This is done to help you recover any email or meeting that was accidentally deleted. But the size of this folder can grow immensely as this folder is not cleaned manually by users. Therefore, it needs to be emptied quickly to gain some space.

You have to click on the File button in the top left of your Outlook and select the information. Then click on Tools.

Click Here to Read More Fix “Outlook error 0x8004060c



Ammy Wilson

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